
Choices are on you.

I think that applies to a mother too. Because the fact that you are doing a mom regardless whether you are doing it part time or full time (I dont even know if this status is right)but anyway,doing a mom is something to be appreciative of. When I was younger,(or better before I became a mother),I have always thought why would people say “凄い頑張ってるねYou are doing so great" because I thought well,millions of people are actually doing it,so why would be so great? Isnt that 当たり前(A normal thing)

And booom. Allah had fated me to be a young momperhaps a lesson for me to open up my eyes and such a small heart to actually realize what a tough job a mom is. If the me-now hear what the young-me was saying,I would slap the young-me without a second thought,definetely! What a heartless person I was! 

Being a mom is such a scary and lonely jorney,but call it weirdo because despites all that you a mama still want to pursue another day to test the sweetness that actually do test at every end of the day. 

Now that everytime I see a mom in the train carrying their baby,I whispered “頑張れ!Gambare,you can do it. And when I see a mom handling few small kids I just wanna bow in showing my respect. Like gosh Mom,how do you do that. Ya know,like carrying a sleepy baby,cranky toddler,and a heavy grocery plastics,your bones are screaming already,you wish your house is one metre away but the reality is you got to walk another 500m of up down hills. Grrrr. For that I salute mama! 

I just learnt so many things,by many”,I genuinely meant it. And this is why I have an utmost respect to a full time mama who handle her kid alone at home on her own. Yes different people have different challenges,and that cannot be denied of. But a full time mama,is something I have failed in doing. They hve sacrificed their time and energy of works and me-timeto give it all for their precious little ones. I am amazed,always. 

While there are also people who dream to be a mom,but is not given a chance to, heartbreaking news have often came accross us many recently, of parents who abused or worsethrew their kid like a rubbish away, and whatever reasons one may have, such an inhuman, immoral, and disgusting act should be taken a deserving judge order in the court. 

A woman who have dreamed to be a mom but Allah holds their wishes,I always think that they are receiving so much love from Allah SWA. I was withhold of the wish to become a mom for only 2 years amd even that it felt too long for me. Some days I felt hopeless and some days I keep my hopes and prayers in silence. Although a short period of time, because I have ever felt the pain, I cannot imagine  how other women have to go through this for longer years. May Allah gives them a strength and patience, and children to be blessed of, if not in this world in Jannah InshaAllah. 

Finally, I just wanna say that, whether you are already a mom or yet to be a mom, believe Allah has the best Plan and He had given a different test and happiness to everyone of us. I pray for His continuous blessings to be upon everyone of us, Ameen. 


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