
It is true when someone says, 
“You feel happy in your marriage,when you fall in love with the same person again and again everyday”.

I agree. I had fallen in love with Hachi thousands or millions of times, but interestingly that “love”changes as time passes by. I would say there were 3 times of the big change.

Ever Wonder when do people actually feel “omg I love this person.” 

I had known Hachi since 2012,I had a special feeling for him though we had never talked face to face but I carried that feeling, and had always wanted to know him. It was some sorts of love-feeling, not denying. 

Early marriage, I had similar yet different “love” within myself for him. It was very fresh,the love that had known each other better but yet to face down sides of one another. It was more of loving (90%)and sacrificing (10%). Immature yet sweet. Perhaps you can say “addiction”for always wanting to have your partner by your sides. 

The love changes again after having our first daughter. Having somebody else you loved as equally (or perhaps even more :P), that love you had for your husband is no longer about "Stick-to-me-like-a-glue" nor "I-miss you" when you are just few hours apart. LOL

The love grows as you see your partner sacrifice for you despite you not being able to return as much yet he would say “You have done better.” 

That love when you were fighting with your contraction, and he secretly made a porridge that had helped you a lot after delivery for you were not been able to swallow a single spoon. That love when you were not able to move so he carried you and your daughter, waking up at night, or even small things like bringing water, listening to your stories, being your sides in your difficult times. That love when you were all in pain, not even being able to move-self to the toilet, bloody and messy with eye-bags, red eyes, blue face, broken bones, unstable emotions after delivery for literally a month, perhaps the worst look you can give to someone,  nothing “beautiful” but “ugly”, and he would still wake up to say “you are always beautiful.”

That also includes the first trimester of my second pregnancy, when I was not able to move, eat nor entertain my daughter, he did everything without a single complain. From washing the clothes, cooking breakfast lunch and dinner, cleaning the house, bathing feeding and entertaining Mena, not to forget his sick wife and literally all. So you say “thank you.”And he would smile to reply “this is the least I can do.”.

Because it was not “the least” in your eyes but just.. “Extraordinary”, so you fell in love again. 

That kind of love, coming from little yet consistent contributions, and it accumulates, pushing away all the negativity within you and bring overwhelming happiness in your life. 

One more month to go till I get to see him. I am glad he will be by my side again during another difficult time of my second pregnancy, third trimester.

Despite our flaws and weaknesses,we had fallen for each others many times and I know I would fallen again with him for many more years..

But it excites me to know, what kind of love will have to offer us in the future. 

Throwback picture. 2018 Eid.


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