Labor Story Part 1

It was on Monday.

"We shall go to AU2 today, I wanna walk around again, plus might be our last outing before baby comes tomorrow". I have been telling Mena and Hachi that baby will come tomorrow. Baby due is already in a week, but no signs were yet to be seen.

“You have been saying that honey.” Hachi said. “Nah, this time I am serious”. I replied. #Soconfident In which, we ended up accompanying Mena play at kids play room on that day, so technically I did now walk much, and because of that or not, baby continued to stay in the tummy.

Fastforward, things were starting to change on Tuesday night.
“Honey, No sign again” I said but nothing with disappointment, kind of knew this time baby loves my womb so much. 

So I breastfed Mena at night, and was expecting the false alarm to come again. It was a usual pattern already where Mena would be breastfed and contraction would come every10mins for 2 hours and disappeared just like that. 

But that night was a little different. I put Mena asleep at around 9 something, close to 10 perhaps. The contraction still though continued even when the clock hit 12.
Then to 1am, it did not stop. Just in case, when Hachi was changing his sleeping position, I quickly informed him "This time the contraction is a little different honey. I will wake you up if it still continues after 3am."

Then I went to sofa outside the room as the pain gets a little intense. But was still manageable.

“What if this is the false alarm?” “What if I have to return back home again like last time?”
All those thoughts were crossing the mind, and I was in dilemma whether or not to wake Hachi up. As the pain was still manageable.. at that moment, yes it was.

Hachi came out of the room, and saw me just sitting on the sofa silently.
"Do you wanna go to hospital?" He asked. I thought for a while, and said, "Sure, can give a try.". As I also thought it would be better to head off before morning traffic starts.

I soon messaged my mom sorry for not being able to meet her in airport today as planned. (She was transitting in Malaysia for few hours before departuring to Sydney). Then I immidiately asked for forgiveness and their dua’ at family whatsapp group. 

Arrived at the hospital, we walked to emergency. Then I was soon asked to change my clothes and lay on the bed. The doctor came not too late after that, and informed 5cm had already been open so will need to go to labour room. 

I was asked to eat breakfast before entering the labour, so Hachi went to buy bread to the kiosk nearby to get some breads to maintain energy. Hachi and I were more chill than ever, no drama, no panics.  6.30am
I was brought to labor with a wheelchair, then was asked to stay on the labor bed. Hachi came soon which was about 20-30mins after finishing with administrative matters. I by then felt much confident knowing my big supporter will be just right beside. The moment I enter to the labor, the doctor had to take my urine mannually, in which I did not experience during Mena's time, so not to mention did not expect of it coming. It was painful, really was, and I hated it so much.

The pain was getting more constant and having its pattern, but was not getting any more intense. The doctor came again to break the water. The opening was 5cm at that time. Hachi continued to check on the contraction gap's durations using this application I had downloaded earlier. So I knew, the gaps were slowly but getting shorter. I still could talk on the phone, replying messages, and talking to Hachi beside just as usual. A part of me was feeling a little bit of disappointment and fatigue knowing the opening did not show any progress. Another part of me was having a hope with water break, it could push the opening progress faster. So I looked at the clock, and made an intention, I would want to push out in 3 hours.

Doctor came again to remove the urine inside so the baby could come out smoothly, and informed that the opening is 8cm. I felt relief. At least the progress was there.. 9am The doctor came again and informed that opening was 8.5cm. Then I went "Are you sure doctor?!" Half an hour passed and the opening only progressed 0.5cm?! The pain was getting very intense that I could barely talk, and had to make sure my breathing is done in a proper manner. And my body started to loose its energy with faster speed of the painful wave. I have to wait another 1.5cm to be open, so that would be mean another 1.5 hour to bear with this pain?

Hachi, knowing me well, he let me cry. He did not talk to me anything at that moment which I felt very grateful for, as all I needed was just to be left alone for awhile and let out all those negativity by myself.
[To be continued]


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